Dr. Helen Rehr: Looking Back On An Extraordinary Career.

In her 50 year career with the Social Work Department at Mount Sinai Medical Center – Helen Rehr touched the lives of many thousands of individuals and their families through the programs she developed and administered. Her research demonstrated the effectiveness of these programs and led to their widespread dissemination. As a teacher of social workers and medical students she enabled others to meet the needs of the people they serve. Her impact on the social work profession and the field of health care extended internationally, and she implemented an innovative exchange program with Israeli and Australian social workers.

Upon her retirement in 1986 Dr. Rehr remained active. Among numerous volunteer activities, she serve as an NASW Pioneer and became one of NASW's National Center for Social Policy and Prac-
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tice's founding members. She also served as a founding member of the Center for Social Work Practice named in her honor shortly before her death. Dr. Rehr's awards were many and included  election as a distinguished practitioner to the National Academy of Practice. She was recipient of the first NASW Foundation Knee/Wittman Lifetime Achievement Award in Health and Mental Health.